Monday, May 25, 2009

Amanda and Noah are the best.

I just wanted to tell my sis and her hubby that they are the best. I had so much fun Friday night laying sod. OK so I didn't lay any of it, but I was there as moral support. It was fun to watch the kids basically mud wrestle and be covered in mud. It was fun to see your yard become a yard and not a weed garden (BTW the flower lady could have come to your back yard and picked some dandelions:) Talk about Redboxing someone. The BBQ today was fun as well. Thanks for the hard work and for cooking for us. I felt lazy. The kids had a blast. AND it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY as Amanda said about 100 times!


Noah and Amanda said...

wasn't yesterday such a beautiful day! I know you wanted to hear it one more time.